News and views
BFP opens new 73,000 sqft depot in Daventry
Dough. Our way of saying 'thank you'
The lowdown on flour
Flour is a baker’s workhorse. It’s a staple of the bakery and fundamental to most baked goods. And with the UK bakery industry making 12 million loaves of bread and 10 million cakes and biscuits every day, we’d be lost without it.
Because it's such a fixture in the bakery we can sometimes take flour for granted, so today we thought it might be nice to take a fresh look at our old friend.
An easy route to doughnuts with a wow! factor
There’s nothing like baking doughnuts from scratch. You put your own unique signature on them, you bask in the smells as they’re prepped and you get the satisfaction of seeing customers enjoy your creations.
But let’s face it, pressures on time and skilled staff means that scratch baking doughnuts simply isn’t always an option. That’s where top quality frozen doughnuts which are ready to eat once thawed come in.